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The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare


Ø Introduction

Ø Characters of Julius Caesar

Ø Summary of the Play

Ø Themes of the Play

Ø Famous Quotes from Julius Caesar


William Shakespeare wrote The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, a five-act play, between 1599 and 1600. It was originally printed in 1623 from a prompt book transcription.

Characters of Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar

Famous Roman General Julius Caesar was. The faction of Caesar's opponent, Pompey, has just been vanquished at the start of the play. Despite the fact that he turned down Mark Antony's offer of the throne three times, his supporters still want to make him king. Others do not want this to happen because they are worried that Caesar will establish a tyranny over Rome and that Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators will have to murder him to prevent this. Caesar is a complicated person. Caesar has epilepsy and is deaf in one ear, which contradicts his reputation for strength. Despite the fact that his assassination is allegedly caused by his ambition.


Calpurnia, Julius Caesar's wife, is one of a number of characters who frequently caution Caesar that he may be in grave danger as a result of different signs and omens. Only Calpurnia can convince Caesar to follow these cautions, even for a brief period of time, when she begs him to stay at home. She informs Caesar about a dream she had that foretold what would happen when he went to the Senate and was stabbed by the conspirators. In the dream, Caesar's statue was covered in blood. READ MORE…